Transit Oriented Development is defined in Florida Statutes, Section 163.3164(46) as:
“a project or projects, in areas identified in a local government comprehensive plan, that is or will be served by existing or planned transit service. These designated areas shall be compact, moderate to high density developments, of mixed-use character, interconnected with other land uses, bicycle and pedestrian friendly, and designed to support frequent transit service operating through, collectively or separately, rail, fixed guideway, streetcar, or bus systems on dedicated facilities or available roadway connections.”
Transit-oriented development, or TOD, is the most encouraged type of community development occurring in America today. It generally includes a mixture of housing, office, retail and/or other amenities integrated into a transit system to create a system-wide neighborhood with access to quality public transportation.
TOD helps create better and more equal access to jobs, housing and opportunities for people of all ages and incomes. Successful TODs provide people from all walks of life with convenient, affordable and active lifestyles and create places where our children can play and our parents can grow old comfortably. TOD’s support and encourage the development and growth of their neighbors, creating concentric waves of economic growth and sustainable development.
- Rapidly growing traffic congestion
- Growing distaste for suburban sprawl
- Growing desire for quality urban lifestyle
- Growing desire for more walkable lifestyles away from traffic
- Changes in family structures: more singles, empty-nesters, etc.
- Growing national support for Smart Growth
- New focus of Federal policy
- Design with the transit passenger as a priority
- Intra- and or inter-city train station, bus station and/or intra-city transportation node
- A transportation system containing a mixture of uses in close proximity
- High density, high-quality development within a walk circle surrounding the transportation station
- Collector support transit systems including trolleys and buses
- Reduced and managed parking inside the walk circle around the transportation station
- Higher quality of life
- Better places to live, work, and play
- Greater mobility and ease of moving around
- Increased transit ridership
- Reduced traffic congestion and greater ease of driving
- Reduced car accidents and injuries
- Reduced household spending on transportation, which can result in more affordable housing
- Healthier lifestyle with more walking, and less stress
- Higher, more stable property values
- Increased foot traffic and customers for area businesses
- Greatly reduced pollution and environmental impact
- Reduced incentive to sprawl, increased incentive for compact development
- Decreases demand for building new roads and suburban infrastructure